domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2014

Video: 10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman

I wanted to share this video because as you know I think equality is very important and I'm very aware about feminism. In this video, a girl records herself while walking in NYC for 10 hours, wearing comfortable and sporty clothes. We can watch how lots of boys try to talk to her or give her their telephone numbers, tell her she is sexy and one even walks by her side several minutes. After watching the video, I read some of the comments people had written about it. Most of them were people saying that this girl (and us girls in general) should take as a compliment that people tell us that we are pretty and sexy, that if we want respect we should dress appropiately 'the more you cover, the more you are respected' and that we should be nice and smile to those strangers that decide to 'compliment' us. The thing I wish these people understood is that nor do I need or want some stranger to tell me I'm pretty, or sexy or what they want to do to me. I want them to shut their opinion and treat me and everyone with the respect that we deserve. Every time I'm walking and some stranger tells me something about my appearance I feel like a piece of meal, where is the respect there? And of course, I wish young boys were more conscious about this and young girls knew that men's opinions don't define us, we define ourselves.

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