Nowadays most power positions in our world have just a single person in them, wich means that one person rules some of the most important places or enterprises of the world. But it's time to change this situation.
Right now we are living in a moment when the differences between poor people and rich people are very high. Some of the most powerful organizations and enterprises of the world have just one person on its top. This means that this person can rule that place without the help of anyone, which helps to commit abuse or corruption actions.
Sometimes, these people have the advice of a group of subordinates that help them. However, these subordinates were usually employed by the person on top, so most of the time they agree with him.
This situation should have changed by now, as having just one person in power position is not safe. They have lots of responsibilities, but also lots of rights to be corrupt or commit abuse. For example, it is much easier for our president to steal money or made abusive laws than it would be for a group fo people not connected to the government.
For this reason it's time to stop giving the power a single person. Instead, we should rely in groups of several people with different beliefs and different origins.
lunes, 29 de diciembre de 2014
Practica 3
Nowadays our society is not equal and the differences between being a man or a woman are huge, as sexism is still present. Men have much more privileges than women, because these are expected to be pretty and interested in housework as well as in work while men can be more focused on what they do than how they look. Also, women are much more harassed on the streets.
Against this situation, feminism is the social movement that fights for equality betqeen men and women. It's a movement that has gained followers in the past years but it is very unknown for many others. For this reason, thre should be more talks in schools for kids and teengares in order to educate them and make them aware of this problem. It's very important that we make sure tht girls know they are as valid and important as boys, a value that should be taught by parents and tecahers.
All in all, sexism is still present in our society when it shouldn't. It's time we destroy it and fight for equality. It should concern men and women, youngs and adults, all together destroying the idea of male supremacy. As some adverts said a while ago, 'why would you be the princess when you can build the castle?'
Against this situation, feminism is the social movement that fights for equality betqeen men and women. It's a movement that has gained followers in the past years but it is very unknown for many others. For this reason, thre should be more talks in schools for kids and teengares in order to educate them and make them aware of this problem. It's very important that we make sure tht girls know they are as valid and important as boys, a value that should be taught by parents and tecahers.
All in all, sexism is still present in our society when it shouldn't. It's time we destroy it and fight for equality. It should concern men and women, youngs and adults, all together destroying the idea of male supremacy. As some adverts said a while ago, 'why would you be the princess when you can build the castle?'
sábado, 6 de diciembre de 2014
When we think of sports we always tend to think of football, basketball, tennis, swimming or even golf, but we never think of dancing or ballet. We think ballet is an easy activity that only girls practice, but it's very difficult. For this reason, ballet and every type of dancing should be considered a sport, and not only a hobby for girls.
Firstly, ballet dancers are very strong. They spend most of their time training, in session of five or six hours that they do everyday, which makes a total of around 36 daily hours, more than some others athletes. Also, they follow very strong diets to keep their bodies fit, so they control everything they eat. The thing is, you can't be a ballet dancer if your body is weak.
Ballet dancers also spend months and months doing shows, going on tour around different countries. If you think about it, when they are on tour they do almost everyday shows of two or two and a half hours, plus all the rehearsal they have done before the show. It's not less than four daily hours.
Another point is that ballet dancers do ballet for almost their entire life. They usually start when they are very young, at three or four. If they are successful, they join a company when they are sixteen or so and start their professional careers. Then, they retire when they are thirty-five or more and after that they become teachers and keep active.
To sum up, ballet is rough and difficult. Ballet dancers work very hard in order to be strong and successful while they can, and later they continue doing ballet in other jobs. For this reason, it should be recognised as a sport and not only a thing for girls.
Firstly, ballet dancers are very strong. They spend most of their time training, in session of five or six hours that they do everyday, which makes a total of around 36 daily hours, more than some others athletes. Also, they follow very strong diets to keep their bodies fit, so they control everything they eat. The thing is, you can't be a ballet dancer if your body is weak.
Ballet dancers also spend months and months doing shows, going on tour around different countries. If you think about it, when they are on tour they do almost everyday shows of two or two and a half hours, plus all the rehearsal they have done before the show. It's not less than four daily hours.
Another point is that ballet dancers do ballet for almost their entire life. They usually start when they are very young, at three or four. If they are successful, they join a company when they are sixteen or so and start their professional careers. Then, they retire when they are thirty-five or more and after that they become teachers and keep active.
To sum up, ballet is rough and difficult. Ballet dancers work very hard in order to be strong and successful while they can, and later they continue doing ballet in other jobs. For this reason, it should be recognised as a sport and not only a thing for girls.
viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2014
I. Social networks as instagram are very useful for actistic jobs and launching a career if we use them correctly instead of just for showing aspects of our private life.
II. You can show the world your works (your pictures if you are a photographer, your draws, etc.)
A. Upload pictures of your works
B. The more pictures you upload, the more follows and likes you'll get
C. If you get a big amount of followers, many people will see your work.
1. Maybe someone will offer you a job or will publish your work somewhere else
III. You can get inspirations
A. You can follow people with the same likes as you
B. You can see other people's work and get new ideas
1. The more different people you follow, the more ideas you'll get
2. If you get new ideas, you will do new things and publish them, so it's a circle.
IV. You won't feel as if no one cares about your work
A. You will know your followers know and care about what you do
B. They will share your work with other people and you'll continue getting more followers.
V. Using social networks and internte for sharing your work or art is very useful if you dedicate it time.
II. You can show the world your works (your pictures if you are a photographer, your draws, etc.)
A. Upload pictures of your works
B. The more pictures you upload, the more follows and likes you'll get
C. If you get a big amount of followers, many people will see your work.
1. Maybe someone will offer you a job or will publish your work somewhere else
III. You can get inspirations
A. You can follow people with the same likes as you
B. You can see other people's work and get new ideas
1. The more different people you follow, the more ideas you'll get
2. If you get new ideas, you will do new things and publish them, so it's a circle.
IV. You won't feel as if no one cares about your work
A. You will know your followers know and care about what you do
B. They will share your work with other people and you'll continue getting more followers.
V. Using social networks and internte for sharing your work or art is very useful if you dedicate it time.
miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2014
My favourite movies
I'm a huge enthusiastic of movies and cinematographic world and most of the times I have some free time I watch some movie. I like huge productions as much as indie movies, but I really like films that make you think about the plot and about the characters themselves, that talk about feelings and life and the human behaviour. If the film is full of topics or shows situations or reactions non realistic (those romantic comedies where everybody has a happy ending and everything is fine, for example) then I probably won't like the film.
Here I let you a list of my top 10 films and their trailers:
Here I let you a list of my top 10 films and their trailers:
- Intouchable :
- Incepction:
- Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind:
- Love Actually:
- Crazy, Stupid, Love:
- The great Gatsby:
- Liberal arts:
- Black Sawn:
- Beginners:
viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2014
Blogging: Tumblr
As I guess some of you may be enjoying blogging I decided to share another way of blogging, different from blogspot and wordpress: Tumblr. Tumblr is a platform designed as a social network and based of sharing images, videos, gifs and short quotes. The way it works is very easy: you create your tumblr, follow as many blogs as you want (there's not a limit) and you reblog post they publish that you like, creating a visual diary in your blog. Also, you can upload the pictures you want to. It may seem a little bit boring, but it's very entertaining and an easy way to keep in contact with the aesthetic you like or learn about new artists or similars. You will enjoy it if you want a different type of blogging and you like artistic things.
viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014
In a society where it's very easy to have access to drugs it is very frequent to have people addicted to these substances. However, this is a problem we should not take as a joke, because it could affect any of us or of our close ones. In fact, we should fight against it and try to find a solution to it.
Rehab clinics are a solution for those who are already drugs addicts and want to stop doing them. By being hospitalized here and spending a brief period of time here, more or less depending of the level of addiction, a person can be helped to stop doing drugs.
The problem with this is that they are expensive, so not many people can't afford them as many drugs addicts have social issues and several problems. Also, sometimes when people receive the discharge and they go walk to their homes they start doing drugs again.
Another solution is to increase not only the price of drugs but also the prison sentence of those who traffic with them to gain money. There should be more police controls in our airports, borders and ports and create an effective law to warn people of the consecuencies of their acts if they decide to traffic with drugs.
Rehab clinics are a solution for those who are already drugs addicts and want to stop doing them. By being hospitalized here and spending a brief period of time here, more or less depending of the level of addiction, a person can be helped to stop doing drugs.
The problem with this is that they are expensive, so not many people can't afford them as many drugs addicts have social issues and several problems. Also, sometimes when people receive the discharge and they go walk to their homes they start doing drugs again.
Another solution is to increase not only the price of drugs but also the prison sentence of those who traffic with them to gain money. There should be more police controls in our airports, borders and ports and create an effective law to warn people of the consecuencies of their acts if they decide to traffic with drugs.
Video: Catcall video goes viral, CNN discusses it
Last week I posted a video in which a girl recorded herself walking 10 hours in NY and showing how many men catcalled her (catcall someone is when a guy talks in a seductive way to a girl for the purpose of getting attention). A few days ago, the CNN discussed it in a live show with a girl activist and the autor of a book about men, representing each sex. While the girl tries to explain that women don't like being catcalled by strangers and don't want to listen to these things, the man argues that what a woman wants the most is to being called beautiful and that we should stop when someone tell us something in the streets and fight them. Then, the girl says that doing this is dangerous as there are women who are killed for this, and the man just says "then carry a gun!" like fighting with violence is the best solution. Again, another example of why our society doesn't progress as it should.
I'm pro hommosexual marriage because:
1. equality shouldn't be a privilege.
2. everyone must have the right to marry whoever they want, independently of their gender.
3. it's time we accept existence of diversity in our society.
1. equality shouldn't be a privilege.
2. everyone must have the right to marry whoever they want, independently of their gender.
3. it's time we accept existence of diversity in our society.
Práctica 1: Something you really like but most people don't like at all
A lot of people enjoy staying in bed and waking up late, but I prefer getting up early and starting my day. If I wake up late, I feel very lazy and after that, I usually don't do anything. If I wake up early, I can organize my time better and I do a lot of things: homework, the housework, etc. This way, I feel productive and I am in a good mood for the rest of the day: Also, I am really focused, I will do everything during the morning, so I will have a relaxed afternoon watching some film or going out with friends. Of course, I understand that some people like to spend their time in bed, but I have always been a morning person and I think I will be for the rest of my life.
domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2014
Video: 10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman
I wanted to share this video because as you know I think equality is very important and I'm very aware about feminism. In this video, a girl records herself while walking in NYC for 10 hours, wearing comfortable and sporty clothes. We can watch how lots of boys try to talk to her or give her their telephone numbers, tell her she is sexy and one even walks by her side several minutes. After watching the video, I read some of the comments people had written about it. Most of them were people saying that this girl (and us girls in general) should take as a compliment that people tell us that we are pretty and sexy, that if we want respect we should dress appropiately 'the more you cover, the more you are respected' and that we should be nice and smile to those strangers that decide to 'compliment' us. The thing I wish these people understood is that nor do I need or want some stranger to tell me I'm pretty, or sexy or what they want to do to me. I want them to shut their opinion and treat me and everyone with the respect that we deserve. Every time I'm walking and some stranger tells me something about my appearance I feel like a piece of meal, where is the respect there? And of course, I wish young boys were more conscious about this and young girls knew that men's opinions don't define us, we define ourselves.
viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014
Palo Alto
Last week i decided to watch a film called Palo Alto, as I had read some great reviews about it. The film is directed by Gia Coppola, granddaughter of Francis Ford Coppola and niece of Sofia Coppola, both renowned directors, and starred by Emma Stone and James Franco among others. The film shows a brief period of time of the life of a few teenagers and the football coach of one of the girls in Palo Alto. I loved everything about this film: the delicate photography, how it shows little details of their rooms so you can know them better, how it perfectly catchs the feeling of not knowing who you are when you are so young, even the open end that's sums up life completely because, despite what we see in movies, life doesn't has an end. Also, the soundtrack it's pretty good if you are into indie-alternative type of music. It's a perfect movie for watching on quiet evening. 

lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014
My opinion on: Feminism
Feminism has become lately in one of the most important social movements. Feminism is the belief that men and women should be equals and that they deserve the same amount of rights. The problem with feminism is that a lot of people confuse it with the belief that women should be superior of men. Of course, this confusion drifts of the lack of time dedicated to study these topics in our education system. If we were taught since we are kids what feminism is about, people wouldn't be confused about it. This should be corrected, because feminism is a belief that affects all of us and that wants to get a society more equal for everyone.
Describing someone
Ria is one of the most cheerful person I've ever met. She is always going out and having fun. She has a lot of friends in different places of Spain and she loves travelling to visit them. She also loves the career she is studying and she is already making plans and projects for the future. Although she is usually in a great mood, when something makes her angry she gets very furious.
Advantages and disadvantages: studying abroad
Nowadays is very common (mostly in degrees that involve other languages) spending some time abroad, attending university for a few subjects and learning the language, but this method has his advantages and his disadvantages.
On the one hand, is a great opportunity for learning about the culture and the customs of the place you chose. You can meet a lot of new people and visit some of the most beautiful places that there are. If you meet the conditions, you can receive a grant, so money won't be a big problem.
On the other hand, not everyone can opt to a grant and these periods abroad tend to be very expensives. Also, sometimes is very difficult to get used to the culture or to being apart of your family and your friends.
For all these reasons, I think we have to think carefully of the advantages and disadvantages before deciding to study abroad.
On the one hand, is a great opportunity for learning about the culture and the customs of the place you chose. You can meet a lot of new people and visit some of the most beautiful places that there are. If you meet the conditions, you can receive a grant, so money won't be a big problem.
On the other hand, not everyone can opt to a grant and these periods abroad tend to be very expensives. Also, sometimes is very difficult to get used to the culture or to being apart of your family and your friends.
For all these reasons, I think we have to think carefully of the advantages and disadvantages before deciding to study abroad.
domingo, 26 de octubre de 2014
Comparing: dogs in flats vs dogs in countryside houses
Nowadays having a dog as a pet is very common, but there are some factors than we have to think about before deciding to buy or adopt one. For me, one of the most important is the space: having a dog when you live in a flat is much more complicated than having it when you live in a house with garden or in the countryside.
When dogs live in big houses they have more space to move around, which is something very important, especially if they are big. Normal flats tend to be small, so animals don't have enough space to move, stretch and fool around.
Animals also need to have contact with nature. Big houses with gardens are better for them, because they can go out and play. If the house is in the countryside that is great, because they can move around, play with land or plants and feel free.
Cleaning your animals is very important as well. when dogs live in a flat they have to wait to go out with their owners to do their needs. Normally, their owners have a job, so they have very little time to dedicate to taking them out. However, if dogs live in a house with garden they can go out and do their needs in this garden when they have to, instead of waiting their owners.
To sum up, i think we have to think carefully before choosing what animal we are going to have. Maybe we should buy a fish or a turtle if we don't have enough space to let them live.
When dogs live in big houses they have more space to move around, which is something very important, especially if they are big. Normal flats tend to be small, so animals don't have enough space to move, stretch and fool around.
Animals also need to have contact with nature. Big houses with gardens are better for them, because they can go out and play. If the house is in the countryside that is great, because they can move around, play with land or plants and feel free.
Cleaning your animals is very important as well. when dogs live in a flat they have to wait to go out with their owners to do their needs. Normally, their owners have a job, so they have very little time to dedicate to taking them out. However, if dogs live in a house with garden they can go out and do their needs in this garden when they have to, instead of waiting their owners.
To sum up, i think we have to think carefully before choosing what animal we are going to have. Maybe we should buy a fish or a turtle if we don't have enough space to let them live.
viernes, 17 de octubre de 2014
Orange is the new black
Last summer I decided to watch Orange is the new black. I had heard great critics about it and I knew it was based on the real story of a woman who had to spend a year in prison because of a drug crime that happened 10 years before. I think it is safe to say that now it is my favourite tv show. The argument sounds strange, but it is one of the most realistic series I have ever seen. The actresses wear almost no make up, they are not skinny and perfect but normal women you can see everyday. It talks with a perfect sharpness about the feelings those women have on prison (you can relate to most of them) and about how society judges them, when most of them committed drugs or scam crimes. It also talks about topics like lesbianism and transsexualism, that are not usual in tv shows. I think it is the perfect mix between drama and comedia without being far from reality.

My favourite place
My favourite place in the world is the Campo Grande in Valladolid. We go to Valladolid every summer because my mom was born there and her family lives there too. El Campo Grande is in the centre of the town, very near form the restaurants and pubs zone. It is more a forest than a field, because it is enormous. There are a promenade with benches, a cascade, a lake, and lots of animals like ducks, squirrels and turkeys, so it's always full of people. I've never seen a place like this, which is what makes it so special to me.
viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014
Happiness is...
Happiness is a warm hug
Happiness is spending all day in bed
Happiness is a puppy
Happiness is reading a good book
Happiness is listening to your favourite song once and again
Happiness is staying under the sheets when it's cold outside
Happiness is hearing laughing someone you love
Happiness is morning's air
Happiness is watching the sun rise
Also a little gift:
Happiness is spending all day in bed
Happiness is a puppy
Happiness is reading a good book
Happiness is listening to your favourite song once and again
Happiness is staying under the sheets when it's cold outside
Happiness is hearing laughing someone you love
Happiness is morning's air
Happiness is watching the sun rise
Also a little gift:
jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2014
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